
About Debbie

Debbie is a dynamic speaker and facilitator, who has a strong desire to help individuals develop greater self confidence through improving their communication skills. She is also a Leadership and Career Development Consultant who is committed to helping people gain clarity around their aspirations and supporting them in achieving their vision. She is a certified NLP practitioner, certified Six Sensory Practitioner, Diploma in Life Coaching, accredited Extended DISC consultant and certified Time Line Therapist.

Keeping it Real versus Getting it Right


I must admit, I am one of those people who try to get it “right” in most of the things I do. It is challenging to get it “right” all the time, especially when it comes to communication. I have learned that in order for us to communicate effectively, it’s more important to keep it real and be authentic in what we share. This enables us to engage and connect at a deeper level. Making a conscious decision to empower yourself to speak from an authentic space is not only inspiring for others, it is also a privilege that you have [...]

Keeping it Real versus Getting it Right2018-06-17T11:18:41+10:00

Learning to Pace – A Core Ingredient in Effective Presentation


Most of us naturally speak at a faster pace when excited or nervous, or when we are feeling both. It is important to speak at an easy-to-follow pace when delivering a speech or presentation. We want to give the audience enough time to digest what we are sharing with them. Here are some points to consider that can help you achieve an appropriate pace when speaking :- BREATHE Breathing is such a simple and natural thing for us to do, and yet when it comes to speaking, learning how to breathe deeply when delivering a speech or presentation is incredibly challenging. [...]

Learning to Pace – A Core Ingredient in Effective Presentation2018-06-17T11:18:41+10:00

Pay Attention to your Non-Verbal Cues


Whether you are facilitating a meeting, attending a job interview or delivering a speech, it is important to be aware of what is being communicated through your Non-Verbal Cues. Want to find out more about non-verbal cues and what to watch out for? Let me share with you THREE important Non-Verbal Cues to be aware of. First Cue is your Facial Expression. Some people have a natural ability to clearly express themselves through their face and for some of us, it takes some effort and practice to exude this. Have you ever paid attention to your eye movement? Do you tend [...]

Pay Attention to your Non-Verbal Cues2018-06-17T11:18:41+10:00

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This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

Contact Info

Phone: Paul 0411 709 831 / Debbie 0421 133 687

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