Have you ever paid attention to the words that you use?

We can use body language, facial expression and hand gestures to communicate with another.

However, through speaking our words can effectively convey our message to another person.

They say a picture paints 1000 words but, when chosen carefully, a few words can paint a clear and vivid picture that results in effective engagement with your audience.

When preparing for your speech, it’s important for you to think about your key words and make sure you eliminate those that do not resonate with your message.

Here are 3 key tips that will help enhance your presentation. Here we go :-


Who are your audience? What do they do? Why are they there? What motivates them?

It is important to gather as much information as you can about your audience before the presentation.

You need to ensure that you do your best to put yourself in their shoes and be prepared to incorporate words that will resonate with them.

This needs to be done in the most respectful ways, so it is also very important for you to be comfortable with the words and use them in an appropriate context.

For example, if you are talking to a group of sales managers about utilising a new reporting tool that is about to go live, it is important to put it in a context that will get them excited about this tool.

If the tool will decrease the time in retrieving reports that they need when meeting clients, compared to the old tool, then, the value will be in saving them time in performing admin tasks.

This will provide more time to engage with clients and generate more sales. You need to speak in “their language”!!


What is the purpose of your presentation? What do you want your audience to do during and after?

Having a clear purpose of your speech provides you with a focus and enables you to effectively measure the success of your speech.

If your purpose is to receive a positive response from every sales manager that attended your presentation, then this can be measured through a show of hands, feedback form or an official approval from them to endorse the reporting tool.

When you know exactly what you want from your audience, you are then able to put your best foot forward in your presentation.


Have you ever had to tell a story to a kid or a group of kids?

If not, have you heard of someone who does it well and keeps the kids intrigued and excited about the journey the story is taking them? They become eager to find out what’s next!!

Well, it is similar when we are delivering a presentation to adults. We need to have the ability to keep them intrigued, excited, and eager to find out what’s next.

The use of descriptive or vivid words creates excitement around the presentation.

Tapping into the interests and desires of your audience will create engagement and have them keen to hear what you want to share with them.

For example, compare these two sentences :-

1) I will be sharing with your our new reporting tool.

2) For the past 6 months, our IT team have dedicated much of their waking time to establishing a savvier solution to give you more client contact time.

Which option do you think will help persuade the audience that they need to hear more about this reporting tool?

As you can see, words play an important part in the success of your speech, presentation and even in your conversations!

As Robin Sharma says, “Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.”